
Chinese-English Dictionary

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Learn HSK Vocabulary & Sentences with extensive learning material to help you level up Chinese language skills! HSK1, HSK2, HSK3, HSK4, HSK5, HSK6
Powerful Chinese-English dictionary, lets you find words, hanzi, example sentences and more quickly and easily. 勇敢, Love, 你好, nihao, 不客气, 你会说英语吗? beer
Learn read and write Chinese characters (more than 9000+ 汉字, hànzì) with Mandarin pronunciation, character structure information, stroke order animation. , , , ,
Learn Chinese by watching subtitled videos and music videos!

Our player is designed to help users improve their Chinese language skills through video-based learning. Key Features:

Library: Wide range of videos categorized by difficulty and topics. Subtitles: Dual-language subtitles for better understanding. Vocabulary: Instant definitions, translations, and pronunciation. Listening: Slow playback and looping for comprehension.