
xiān lè liú lí yìng liú fāng shèng shì guāng jǐng
仙乐琉璃 流芳盛世光景
bái yī shǎo nián fēi niǎo kōng jiàng lín
白衣少年 飞鸟降临
fēng juǎn huā luò yù miàn shì jìng zhào xīng
花落 玉面
gǔ xùn shǎn
fú guāng lüè yǐng
àn shēn suì cáng duō shǎo yōu yǎn jīng
深邃 多少绿眼睛
yín dié pián xiān wǎn ruò tiáo tiáo lián tiān xīng
银蝶蹁跹 宛若迢迢天星
xū yú jiān xié huāng shān jìng xún shēng yǐng
须臾荒山 循声
yuè huá lín lín liú zhào jūn zòng shuāng gū xíng
月华粼粼 孤行
niàn huā shù rào xiāng yún
niàn suí jiàn yǐng
qīng niān táo huā xiàng xiān tíng
diàn shǎn jīng léi míng
qiě shǐ bái jū niǎn guò
wù huàn xīng yí
cāng shēng huā yī jiàn yuàn rén jiān xìng
苍生 一剑人间
tīng wén tài cāng shān nán gù guó zōng jì
duàn bì lián cán yuán chéng chí fēi shā yáng lì
断壁 城池飞沙扬砾
fán huá fù miè rén miàn chéng zhàn huǒ chuāng yí
繁华覆灭人面 战火疮痍
chōu sī bō jiǎn yī shēn wú míng què yào qīng yíng
抽丝剥茧一身 无名耀
niàn huā shù chuī yún
zhòu yǔ huā jìng
shí jiān hǔ pò zhōng liú huàn
táo yuán zhī jìng
chén yún míng jiàn liǎn què
fú chén qíng
dǐ bù guò huā yī jiàn rén zhōng
抵不过 一剑
liú liàn huā shù lián jūn
zhù wàng hòu yuǎn xìn
rèn fán chén sú shì xiào
shān jiān xīn zhǎng míng
qù xiàng wèi yán shuō céng jīng
fán huā shì jǐn
huǒ jǐn huā yī jiàn yī shì jūn xíng
chuān xíng tiān dì jiān
wéi yuàn zhú yī shuāng yǐng
This animation series Heaven Official's Blessing is adapted from the story of the same title by author Moxiang Tongxiu from The Jinjiang Literature City
The shining glaze reflects the fragrant prosperity in Xian Le.
A teenager in white descends to earth like a bird.
The wind blows away the flowers and reveals his beautiful face.
Against ancient maxims, one flash,
and I get just a glimpse.
In the darkest night are hidden numerous green eyes.
Dancing silvery butterflies are like stars far away in the sky.
Instantly, he takes to the wild trails in pursuit of the voice,
bathing in moonlight, regardless of any hardships.
A tree full of flowers wrapped in sweet clouds at Yi Nian Bridge.
A figure dancing with a sword beside Yi Nian Bridge.
Standing up against the holy court,
he brings about shocks in thunderbolts.
Though time flashes by,
and things keep changing,
it is my luck to have one flower, one sword and one wish to help all beings.
The mother country lost in the Mount Tai Cang disaster.
Collapsed houses and broken walls lying around.
Prosperities gone and beautiful face ruined in a devastating war.
Unknown mysteries make the unknown boy shine.
A tree full of flowers blow away dark clouds at Yi Nian Bridge.
A heavy shower washes the white flowers clean.
Time does wonders like amber.
In the mystic wonderland,
the fog dispersed, the clouds gone,
and the floating dust down,
are nothing compared to one flower, one sword and one man in the rain with a bamboo hat on.
Missing the tree of flowers and missing you,
I stand in stillness waiting for your messages.
Not caring how the world is laughing at me,
I long for my new life in the mountains.
Tell the future about the past.
Among blooming flowers like a piece of colorful silk,
I'll be with you, one flower and one sword, till the end of time.
Wherever we are, in heaven or on earth,
I only see the two of us that never part.
Song from "Heaven Official's Blessing" - One Flower and One Sword Singer: Li Xinyi Lyricists: Shen Mingli, Wang Xiaoqian Composer: Yang Bingyin Arranger: Yang Bingyin Producer: Yang Bingyin Producing Company: Bingyin Creative Studio
Subtitles turned off
Wow! You're awesome!

李鑫 - 一花一剑 Yi Hua Yi Jian (Heaven Official's Blessing)

  • posted on 2021-10-24
  • vocabulary (47)
  • 哔哩哔哩动画Ani...

xiān lè liú lí yìng liú fāng shèng shì guāng jǐng

仙乐琉璃 流芳盛世光景

bái yī shǎo nián fēi niǎo kōng jiàng lín

白衣少年 飞鸟降临

fēng juǎn huā luò yù miàn shì jìng zhào xīng

花落 玉面

gǔ xùn shǎn


fú guāng lüè yǐng


àn shēn suì cáng duō shǎo yōu yǎn jīng

深邃 多少绿眼睛

yín dié pián xiān wǎn ruò tiáo tiáo lián tiān xīng

银蝶蹁跹 宛若迢迢天星

xū yú jiān xié huāng shān jìng xún shēng yǐng

须臾荒山 循声

yuè huá lín lín liú zhào jūn zòng shuāng gū xíng

月华粼粼 孤行

niàn huā shù rào xiāng yún


niàn suí jiàn yǐng


qīng niān táo huā xiàng xiān tíng


diàn shǎn jīng léi míng


qiě shǐ bái jū niǎn guò


wù huàn xīng yí


cāng shēng huā yī jiàn yuàn rén jiān xìng

苍生 一剑人间

tīng wén tài cāng shān nán gù guó zōng jì


duàn bì lián cán yuán chéng chí fēi shā yáng lì

断壁 城池飞沙扬砾

fán huá fù miè rén miàn chéng zhàn huǒ chuāng yí

繁华覆灭人面 战火疮痍

chōu sī bō jiǎn yī shēn wú míng què yào qīng yíng

抽丝剥茧一身 无名耀

niàn huā shù chuī yún


zhòu yǔ huā jìng


shí jiān hǔ pò zhōng liú huàn


táo yuán zhī jìng


chén yún míng jiàn liǎn què

fú chén qíng


dǐ bù guò huā yī jiàn rén zhōng

抵不过 一剑

liú liàn huā shù lián jūn


zhù wàng hòu yuǎn xìn

rèn fán chén sú shì xiào


shān jiān xīn zhǎng míng


qù xiàng wèi yán shuō céng jīng


fán huā shì jǐn


huǒ jǐn huā yī jiàn yī shì jūn xíng


chuān xíng tiān dì jiān


wéi yuàn zhú yī shuāng yǐng

