Chinese-English Dictionary
MEANING OF 興高采烈 hsk 6
興高采烈 (兴高采烈)
happy and excited (idiom) / in high spirits / in great delight
兴 Originally refers to interest, later refers to interest / 采 Originally refers to the spirit, later refers to the spirit / 烈 exuberant / Originally refers to the article is high-minded and sharp / Later, it is often described as high spirits and full of energy
亦作"兴高彩烈"。 语出南朝梁刘勰《文心雕龙·体性》"叔夜俊侠﹐故兴高而采烈。"此谓旨趣高超﹐言辞犀利◇以"兴高采(彩)烈"形容兴致高﹐情绪旺盛。
() xìng/xīng gāo () cǎi/cài liè

{{ item.english }}

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